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  • 5 Apr 2019 12:15 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Although ski trips, cruises, and European tours are pleasurable, generally risk-free events, emergencies can happen. A sudden illness of yourself or a loved one before a trip, or an illness or injury during a trip, may cost you money. Unfortunately, many trip insurance policies charge more depending on age, as those most likely to need it are older. If the trip insurance offered by our vendors is too costly for you, you have some options:

    • Several websites offer the ability to compare several trip insurance companies at once, to see which rate is best for you.
    • One company recommended by some of our members is World Nomads. Their web page is:
    • Check your credit card policy for whether it offers trip insurance when you pay for your trip with your credit card.

    While we now accept credit card payments for large trips, we can’t afford to absorb the fee we are charged for processing a credit card payment. Nevertheless, the payment of that fee may be offset for you if you get free travel insurance coverage. And you may earn points for using your card. Again, check with your credit card company to see what it offers regarding insurance and/or points.

    If fear of emergencies keeps you from taking a trip, the cost of trip insurance may be worth the peace of mind it affords you. 

  • 28 Mar 2019 8:54 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Ski Club’s trip to Italy was a memorable experience for all 36 participants.  Chattanooga area members traveled with others from Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Texas, and New York.  Our itinerary included the following:

    • A Delta flight from Atlanta to Munich;
    • A scenic bus ride through Germany and Austria to northern Italy;
    • A week in Ortisei (Or-ta-sey) situated in the majestic Dolomite mountains where:
    • We stayed in the very nice Hotel Hell (family name) which allowed us to say that we had been to hell and back and to also witness hell frozen over suggesting that the University of Tennessee might actually have a winning football season this year;
    • Our skiers had great skiing in the world famous Sellaronda;
    • Non-skiers enjoyed day excursions including a horse drawn sleigh ride, the Neustift Monastery & Wine Estate, visits to Brixen and Bolanzo, and the highest museum in Europe – Marmolada WW I Museo;
    • A train ride to Rome where we spent three days visiting various sites including the Vatican, the Coliseum, Circus Maximus, Roman Forum, Trevi Fountain, Spanish Steps, and the Catacombs;
    • A stop for lunch and shopping in Naples;
    • 3 days at a spectacular seaside hotel in Sorrento from which we visited Pompeii, Capri, and the Amalfi Coast;
    • Return KLM flight from Rome to Atlanta via Amsterdam.

    Our entire trip flowed with precision thanks to the marvelous planning and coordination by our Alpine Adventures guide, Ina Gerlach.  Ina lined up world class hotels, meals, transportation, and guides which combined to provide a grand experience for all who had the privilege of enjoying the best of Italy.

    Our Ski Club group quickly gelled into a happy, caring family with superb fellowship, mutual support, and a whole lot of laughter along the way.  We were awed by Italy’s majestic scenery, rich culture and history, and wonderful hospitality in all of the places we visited.  Our Italian adventure was truly a trip to remember and cherish!

    Trip Captain, Don Drumm

  • 20 Mar 2019 12:47 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Hello to everyone who enjoys the lifestyles and adventures of the Chattanooga Ski Club, and to any one who is thinking of joining us in the future.  Our members should be back from our last ski trip to Italy, and I am looking forward to hearing about the good times and seeing some good pictures.  As mentioned at our March meeting, we have chosen the ski trips for next year, and we should have flyers and applications at our April 2 meeting.  Be sure to come and get signed up.  Not only will you learn about the ski trips; but also about the just-announced, eight-day Caribbean cruise, and more information about the November Caribbean dive trip. But, guess what, folks? There is also a lot going on this spring and summer, so come and hear about those events too.

    I read a good article the other day about the effects the mega-season pass are having on ski resort towns.  It’s a mostly a win/win for the skier.  With daily lift tickets in excess of $200.00 at a lot of resorts, it’s trending for skiers to spend more days in resorts. This causes increased demand for lodging, which drives up the cost and availability of lodging. This is big reason our club, through our trusted vendors, have to make our plans earlier than in years past. By the way, our club will be offering the Ikon pass on next year’s trips.

    Our April meeting is also a special one as our annual elections take place.  My thanks go to all who are running this year. It’s a team effort from everyone to make our club successful.  I am humbled to have been your President this past year.  I strive to do my best for all members.  Looking forward to seeing you at our April meeting.   

    Mike Hood

  • 21 Feb 2019 4:44 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Hello to everyone who enjoys the lifestyles and adventures with the Chattanooga Ski Club, and to any one who is thinking of joining us in the future.  Three ski trips down, including Steamboat and one more to go on March 8th to Italy. 

    I just found out while in Park City that the club is celebrating its 50th year. That is something to be proud of; kudos to all who made this happen.  I knew all that bicycle riding in 1969 would someday get me on the ski slopes!  I would love to hear some good stories from over the years, PG rating only, please.  If anyone wants to share a story, please send me an email.  

    The state of our club is as strong as its ever been, and the opportunities for events that appeal to all seems to increase yearly. Our next general meeting is March 5th at the Enclave, hope to see everyone there.


    Mike Hood

  • 20 Feb 2019 2:55 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    We gathered 26 members at Woodland Park Baptist Church for the bus ride to the Atlanta airport, with another 10 who met us at the Salt Lake airport.  The transportation worked out well.  TSA was back at work so there were minimal lines through security.  Both bus rides were without any drama with most of us riding the bus from Salt Lake to Park City.  The party had begun We had a liquor and food stop at Park City before continuing to the Snowflower condos where porter services carried the bags up to our rooms.

    The ground and secondary roads had a few inches of ice and snow from the 48 inches of snow that had fallen in the previous seven days.  The usual mantra for all ski resorts is: you should have been here last week or you should stay till next week.  Our week broke that scenario. We had 39 inches of snow during our stay with some windy and some sunny days.  We had great snow conditions with occasional low visibility but reasonable temperatures. Park City Resort is so large that the Canyons had perfect conditions while the main resort had low visibility and wind one day.  Deer Valley a couple of miles away had different conditions from the others. 

    Some of the 2019 FIS Snowboard, Freestyle, and Freeski World Championship events were held at Park City and Deer Valley during our stay.  Several of us went to venues at both locations.  Watching the top athletes in the world compete was amazing. At 68, I’m giving up hope I’ll ever be among that elite group of athletes. 

    Some joined Knoxville and Nashville for an event at Wasatch Brewing Company and for a Deer Valley dessert tasting.  We also had a group pizza dinner at the Snowflower condos.  We had six birthdays and the ski club’s 50th anniversary to celebrate.  The Boston cream pie and the carrot cake were the hits of the desserts.  No more "birthday cakes," please!

    One unusual event occurred while skiing.  Several people skied down into a canyon, but the lifts closed due to wind while they were there.  Snowmobiles were used to transport them out.  One person was on the back of the snowmobile and three were towed by rope behind it.  There were loops on the rope that the poles were put through and then you held onto the poles.  No one fell or had any problems with the “rescue." I’m sure that was an adventure.

    Foodies had a ball on this trip.  From yurts on the mountain at night, to the wonderful Deer Valley seafood buffet, to an Irish restaurant, they had it all.  Options abounded and waistlines expanded.  Wine and cheese on Friday night was also enjoyed.

    We had several newbies on this trip.  They fit into the group and were welcomed by everyone.  This group of people melded together quickly, and had a great time with skiing, snowshoeing, shopping, eating, and visiting.  This was a great group I would go anywhere with. Old friends and new friends; we cannot wish for more. 

    The trips home were all we could ask for.  There were no surprises or delays.  We were home before the bad weather arrived.  This was a trip to remember and savor for many seasons.

    John Neblett

  • 15 Feb 2019 9:53 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    This season thus far a total of four racers from Chattanooga have ventured into each of the the foggy, cold, and rainy races of the season. Season point totals are as follows for those racers: Marla Hood 110, Wes Carroll 73, Chuck Corey 73, and Dan Carroll 36. In all fairness, Marla has been able to finish more races this year while racing in easier flights whereas Dan has been racing in flights 3 and 4 all season where you either win or DQ trying with the big boys. So far a total of eight podium finishes have been captured by these four racers this season with four of those being 1st place finishes! Great job team!! Division two has been well represented with Marla bringing home two 1st place slalom finishes, one 1st place GS, and one 3rd place slalom. Chuck has also had a great season with two 2nd place slalom finishes and one 3rd place GS finish. Dan and Wes have raced in two of the toughest flights in division one all season earning valuable team points at each race. In a very impressive showing Wes Carroll brought home a 1st place GS finish in flight 7 no less! Unfortunately for Team Chattanooga, Dan and Wes opted to join the larger and more competitive Raleigh race team this season, but we still wish them the best for the remainder of the season and it is always good to have them up there. If you see them out and about in Chattanooga, offer them your congrats because these are two of the fastest racers Chattanooga has ever seen.
  • 1 Feb 2019 3:16 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Thirty two lucky skiers set out for a skier's paradise in Telluride, Colorado on January 19th. The group enjoyed fantastic conditions with fresh powder and groomed slopes every day. We had a chicken alfredo group dinner in the trip leader's condo on Tuesday night. We celebrated three club member birthdays with a chocolate cake and we celebrated 50 YEARS OF THE CHATTANOOGA SKI CLUB with a carrot cake. On Wednesday evening, approximately 20 members went to a "Second City" play at the Telluride High School. The week ended with a pot luck dinner on Friday evening. Most condos did not have much to contribute so it turned out to be a pizza party.

    Our return air flights became a challenge when the weather in Chicago turned to sub zero weather and snow. Our flight out of Colorado was delayed and our flight to Atlanta was lost. We diverted and left Chicago for Nashville. Our great Royal Bus Company was able to also divert to Nashville. We arrived in Chattanooga around 3am. I hope all enjoyed the trip as much as I did.

    Your fearless leader,

    Jim Mullenix

  • 1 Feb 2019 11:56 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Welcome to all our guests and members this winter of 2019. The weather out west has been a skier's dream. Just today, as I write this, Park City received over 15 inches of fresh snow and Telluride also has gotten 8 inches or more a day for the last several days.  From what I have read, Colorado will continue receive more snow.  Now the North Carolina mountains have rebounded from the warm spell we had and have great conditions.  Good luck to all our race team members heading to Appalachian. 

    I had an interesting read in the "Ski Essential Chairlift Chat."  Forbes covers the growing power of women in skiing.  The women of the FIS World Cup have out-earned the men for the last two years. It also points out the rise of women to position of power in the ski industry. And, the number of women who ski backcountry is increasing more than men. It's safe to say that leadership roles in the Crescent Council and our club by women are on the rise, and I applaud you for that!  I look forward to working with everyone in our club to provide activities and encourage everyone to participate through volunteering or seeking an elected position.  Together we win!


  • 13 Jan 2019 11:18 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    What do you get when you cross a steel locomotive and Bourbon Street? Thirteen CSC members who actually made the trek to Birmingham to board an Amtrak train headed to New Orleans (NOLA)! I was very nervous about this trip as it was my first time to captain a trip that involved another mode of transportation besides a truck or a car.  I was already extremely anxious due to the fact that on a group ticket everybody in the group was on one ticket voucher which I had in my possession with instructions from Amtrak that if I lost it . . . Well you get the picture.   

    At the Amtrak Station in Birmingham, we discovered that parking your vehicle was extremely difficult.  After numerous trips to the parking garage with no one on duty or anyone to ask (it seems that Wednesday December 26th was still a holiday at the parking garage) finally everyone was able to park (don’t ask, but some parked without a ticket to leave the parking deck). 

    The train ride (for several of us it was our first ever real train trip), was wonderful. The seats were wide with plenty of leg room, Amtrak did not check or weigh our bags, and we were able to carry on adult beverages.  Of course, we were all very moderate consumers!

    NOLA was great; here are just a few of the comments from CSC members that went on the trip: Dee Campbell wrote,” Wonderful adventure to New Orleans.  Even though we had to experience rain each day we all laughed our way back to the hotel each night. We were blessed with a great group and enjoyed all our train travel each way.  If there is ever another adventure to New Orleans, everyone needs to join together and make this trip.”

    New CSC member Paula Guffey wrote, “The NOLA trip was great!!! It could have been hard to say what the best part was, but being treated to a celebration of a life well lived -- a New Orleans jazz funeral -- made the pick easy. I also enjoyed that there was plenty to do solo, with a few friends, or with the whole group…whatever your mood was for the day.  The hotel was great, the train ride was great and the company was amazing.”

    Mandee Taylor wrote, “Honesty I have no complaints.  I would love a bit better weather and an extra day.  The train ride was great. Parking in Birmingham was a challenge.  Looking forward to our next adventure.”

    Remember: what happens in New Orleans stays in New Orleans!

    Go with us next time,


  • 28 Dec 2018 4:59 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year to all our members and guests who have visited this year.   As I write this, it's only seven days until Christmas -- wow, this year has flown by! Our club has enjoyed a lot of great adventures and activities  in 2018, and we still have one more trip to go.   

    The Christmas party was a great success with 125 people in attendance. Thanks to all who help get this together.  We try to make it the best for everyone, but every year we see that we need to tweak this or that,  and we do.  I feel we have found the best location in town for this event.

    New Orleans is getting ready to be invaded by our members Dec. 26-30.  Looking forward to hearing about that trip at our January meeting.  

    Our race team headed up to Appalachian Ski Resort Dec. 15-16 , and thanks to the winter storm that came through the week before, we had great conditions. I am sure we will get a good report on this one.  

    Tom DuBose sent out an email asking for volunteers for a booth at the 7th Annual Lookout Wild Film Festival Jan 24-27,  if you are interested in helping, please contact Tom at 423-605-3122.  Check out our website and this newsletter for a lot more events coming up soon!  Let's all hope the Polar Express spreads a lot snow on us in the months to come!

    Happy Winter to All,
