I really had my doubts and was frankly quite worried when the forecast for the May 3-5, 2019 ride was not only showing an 80% chance of rain, but also calling for thunderstorms! OMG!!! This will be two VA Creeper Trips in a row with rain in the forecast!
Despite the forecast, eighteen faithful believers headed for Abingdon, VA Friday May 3rd. I was getting more and more concerned as we drove through a blinding rainstorm past Knoxville. Apprehension was really setting into my usually positive attitude.
However, rainstorm or not, “neither, rain, snow, sleet or hail” will stop the scheduled and highly anticipated “happy hour” margaritas, the best in town (thank you, Larry Plemons), enjoyed by all, along with a new tradition, the “Left, Right, Center” dice game. Also new this year was guitar music and singing by Jimmie Coley & Eddie Graham. The rain let up just in time for the Friday night trek to the Barter Theatre for the performance of “Madam Buttermilk.” All I can say is, if you missed it, you missed a fabulous performance. The rain held off until after the show in time to get back to our rooms, and then… the bottom fell out of the sky with rain, rain and more heavy rain!
Saturday morning we awoke to a glorious blue sky: sun shining, bird singing, and 18 happy bikers riding the VA Creeper bike trail. Though two of our riders, Kevin Cleek & Paula Guffey, left very early to ride up the mountain, both arrived just in time for our traditional Green Cove group picture. WOW!! I am impressed and envious.
We all finished as much of the trail that we choose to ride without a drop of rain, until four o’clock “happy hour” time. Then, “Chicken Little, the sky is falling” -- rain came down in torrents. However, being the CSC members that we are, margaritas seem to make everything so much better. Plus, more rounds of “Left, Right, Center” lasted until the rain completely stopped just in time to make it to the Peppermill Restaurant, now added to our favorites list.
Great trip, great time and a glorious ride!!!!
Go with us next time,