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  • 31 Dec 2024 4:07 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    On Saturday, November 2, thirty members of the Chattanooga Ski Club arrived on the island of Bonaire for a week of adventure under the warm sun and in the warm Caribbean water.  The air temperature each day varied from a low of about 80°F to a high of about 90°F and the water temperature was 85°F.  Bonaire is the “B” of the A-B-C islands (Aruba – Bonaire – Curacao) and it is part of the Netherlands (i.e. Holland).  Fortunately, only a handful of cruise ships stop at Bonaire, so the island isn’t overcrowded.

    Our home for the week was at Buddy Dive Resort, a short drive from the International Airport, and an even shorter drive from the capital, Kralendijk.  Some of us were in one-bedroom apartments, some two-bedroom apartments, and some in three-bedroom apartments, each with a kitchen, living room, and balcony.  The resort has two restaurants, two swimming pools and a full-service dive shop. 

    Saturday afternoon we then attended a very short mandatory marine park orientation.  In 1979, Bonaire established one of the first marine reserves and it includes all the water around the island, from the high-water line out to a depth of 200 feet, and they continue to protect this valuable resource. 

    Bonaire is considered the “shore-diving capital of the world” as it has over 70 dive/snorkel sites accessible from shore.  Since each apartment came with at least one vehicle, getting around the island was a breeze.  For those of us who are divers, we made multiple dives each day, including some night dives off the pier at Buddy’s.  Our club treasurer, Karen Hall, completed the required lessons and paper test before arriving on Bonaire and then completed the pool and open water dives to become a certified scuba diver!

    Other activities that we enjoyed were: taking a tour through the mangrove forest via kayak and snorkel; hiking (or as the Lyons describe it, mountain climbing) in the Washington Slagbaai National Park (which covers about 1/5 of the island), visiting the donkey sanctuary, and of course shopping, including at a craft market, plus much more.  

    We had two group activities during the week. The first, on Sunday evening was a three-course meal at Buddy’s Blennies Restaurant.  This was included in the trip cost.  The second group activity was an optional catamaran dinner/snorkel cruise, that most everyone attended.  It started a couple of hours before the sun set Tuesday evening and we returned to the pier just after dark. 

    Overall, I think this was a successful trip as we had a great group of friends to spend the week with and perhaps, we will do it again.

  • 31 Dec 2024 3:53 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Yes, the holidays are over and hopefully everyone had a ball. I still feel a little waterlogged from eggnog but thank goodness someone at MIT determined many years ago, after careful testing, that a nog drink goes better with booze. As luck would have it, Evan Williams and other distillers got the memo.

    The Christmas Party was the best even though it was put together at the last minute. Kudos to Hilda and Jinksie and all that did whatever to make it a success.

    January 7th is our next meeting, and we will have a program by Patricia Cory on hydration on a ski trip. Everyone must attend.

    Until then keep the faith and hope for snow.

    See you soon


  • 27 Nov 2024 2:36 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Hey There, Hi There, Ho There,

    Of course this is our season; let us enjoy, as much as we can, the colder weather as it starts taking hold and gives us all a shiver that we know and love.

    During Christmas we all try to give to others for a variety of reasons: because we may want to remember, to say thanks, or just care and focus on others rather than ourselves,

    If you read the newsletter, if you go to a ski club meeting or party, or if you go on a ski club trip, you are bathed in the waters of giving to others. Members of the club, without pay, help set up and make sure activities, events, the website and all the nuances (finances, attendance records, etc) are kept up to date numerous times all during the year.

    Many hard core people in the club do this every month, and they are doing it for everyone but themselves.

    Yes, when you try to do things for others you cannot do everything perfectly but you try and reset and improvise as much as you can so all can have a good time, not just a few. Sometimes there is limited joy in doing things for others.

    So at this time when the weather is cold and we look forward to ski trips or other outdoor activities, toast and remember the volunteers and doers of the Chattanooga Ski Club. They want no recognition, but they should be recognized.

    A tip of a hat to the ones that make us go. Have a great season.


    The Christmas Party is December 3, and you must sign up and pay. Do that today because Hilda says we are filling up.

    There is no better way to get into the spirit than the Christmas Party.


    “How did Scrooge win the football game?
    The Ghost of Christmas passed.”



  • 28 Oct 2024 9:32 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Hey There, Hi There, Ho There,

    Well it is November, and look at what is happening in ski resorts this month:

    Northstar and Heavenly, Lake Tahoe: Opening on November 22, 2024

    Kirkwood, Lake Tahoe: Opening on December 6, 2024

    Sierra-at-Tahoe, Lake Tahoe: Opening on November 29, 2024

    Mt. Rose, Lake Tahoe: Opening on November 8, 2024 

    Palisades Tahoe, Lake Tahoe: Opening on November 27, 2024 

    Sugar Bowl Ski Resort, Lake Tahoe: Opening on November 22, 2024 

    Boreal Mountain Resort, Lake Tahoe: Opening on November 22, 2024 

    Soda Springs Mountain Resort, Lake Tahoe: Opening on November 29, 2024 

    Appalachian Ski Mtn. Opening on November 22, 2024 

    In a way, the opening of ski resort is like the opening of a Broadway play. They are both highly anticipated events with a lot of fanfare, excitement, and a sense of spectacle, often drawing large crowds, featuring special presentations or performances, and marking the official start of a new season with a lot of buzz and media attention. 

    The great thing about ski resorts is you do not have to dress up. You can wear the same stinky, moldy, and faded ski clothes that you have worn forever. You can even wear rear-end-loaded ski boots if you want to really look retro.

    Think of all the money you save by not buying flowers or eating at Sardi’s. On a ski trip, I would assume it is an equal swap of expenses.


    Because it is voting day we have no November meeting of the club at the Enclave. I know there will be hard feelings and gnashing of teeth not having a meeting, but get out and vote and stay up late and watch the returns.


    The Social Event of the Year in Hamilton County, being the Chattanooga Ski Club Christmas party, will be on December the 3rd at the usual place, RED WOLVES STADIUM, where we have had the last two.

    Put it on your calendar and make sure to be there.

    Watch for more detail in emails and on the website.


    “Hey, did you hear about that crazy that guy in Cleveland kept three women as sex slaves in his basement?  You’ll never guess what my great uncle Gordon kept in his basement……a f ***ing electric train!”



  • 27 Sep 2024 11:10 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Hey There, Hi There, Ho There,

    Well, it is fall but the weather says it is July. Utah and Colorado had their first snowstorms with hopefully many more to come. It. is getting to where we like it, but it is getting there slowly.

    We are in immediate need for folks to sign up for Europe and our Tahoe Trips. If anyone has a desire to go to Winter Park please contact Jim Mullenix. Time to sign up is now and time is wasting.


    I have a thing about seeing ski photos, videos, movies, whatever about snow skiing. My dopamine gets all cranked up every time I see or look at a ski slope. 

    Same with the Stones. I really enjoy seeing them in videos of them playing in 1972, 1982, and even today.

    While seemingly different, snow ski trips and Rolling Stones concerts share a few commonalities:

    1. Shared Experiences: Both involve shared experiences among participants or attendees. Skiers often bond over their love of the sport and the shared challenges of the slopes. Similarly, Rolling Stones fans come together to celebrate the music and the shared experience of attending a concert.
    2. Physical Excitement: While skiing is more directly physical, both activities can be physically exhilarating. Skiing involves the thrill of carving down slopes and conquering challenges. A Rolling Stones concert can also be physically stimulating, with the energy of the crowd and the music creating a dynamic atmosphere.
    3. Community and Connection: Both activities can foster a sense of community and connection. Skiers often form friendships with other skiers, while Rolling Stones fans often have a strong sense of community and belonging within the fan base.
    4. Unforgettable Memories: Both snow ski trips and Rolling Stones concerts can create lasting memories. The beauty of the mountains, the thrill of skiing, and the energy of a Rolling Stones concert can all lead to unforgettable experiences.

    While these activities may differ in their specific details, they share a common thread of shared experiences, physical excitement, community, and the creation of lasting memories.

    If I could only see videos of me in France, Zermatt, and the Sellaronda in Italy from years past.

    See you at the next meeting,


  • 28 Aug 2024 10:13 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Scripture Reading: Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

    “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.”

    Dear brothers and sisters of the Chattanooga Ski Club,

    Soon after we read in our newsletter today, the calendar flips to September. The air is crisp, the leaves are beginning to turn, and yet, the slopes remain bare. For those of us who love the thrill of skiing or snowboarding, this can be a bittersweet time. We long for the powdery snow, the exhilaration of carving down the mountain, and the camaraderie of fellow winter enthusiasts.

    However, as we patiently await the return of winter, let us remember the wisdom of the Ecclesiastes: "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens." This includes a season for skiing and a season for waiting.

    In this off-season, we are invited to cultivate patience. Patience is not merely about waiting; it is about trusting in Nature’s timing and finding joy in the present moment. It is about recognizing that even in the absence of our favorite activities, there is beauty and purpose to be found.

    Let us use this time to deepen our connection with everyone in the Chattanooga Ski Club, to spend quality time with loved ones, and to explore new hobbies and interests. Let us remember that the joy of skiing is not solely about the physical experience, but also about the spiritual and emotional rewards it can bring.

    As we wait for the snow to fall, let us pray for a safe and enjoyable winter season. But let us also pray for the grace to embrace the present moment, to find joy in the journey of our lives.

    For everyone with the ski club, you are richly blessed,

    See you at the next meeting,


  • 27 Aug 2024 12:10 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    As I sit here typing this, it's near 90 degrees in Chattanooga. I bet I am not the only one of the 24 members that wish we were back in Alaska.

    Our trip started out by getting to Seattle to board the Discovery Princess. Most came in the day before, but a few came in earlier to enjoy Seattle. Regardless, we all made it aboard on sail day. The ship was beautiful, being only two years old and equipped with the medallion technology which made so many tasks on ship and on boarding easy. The ports we visited were incredible. There were up to six other ships there at the same time we were there. The only downside was the last stop in Victoria BC was only for two and half hours.

    Princess is of only a handful of ships that get to enter Glacier Bay National Park, and it was like entering another world. The scenery was awesome.  All I can say is it's a must see for everyone.

    There was never a shortage of things to do on the ship. We all were doing our own thing, but you would still run into people in our group from time to time. The weather was outstanding: very little rain and temps were in the mid 60's most days. You should have been there! We all made it back home, but it seems like those seven days flew by. Hopefully we will try to head back up there in the future.  i know I will be on that one! 

    Thanks to everyone who went,


  • 22 Jul 2024 9:24 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Hey There, Hi There, Ho There,

    Yes, it is hot and yes winter seems light years away.

    Here are a couple of things that you should note about cold weather and winter:

    • Earth is actually closest to the sun in December in the Northern Hemisphere during winter. (That is why I wear flip-flops all winter long);
    • Many animals have incredible winter adaptations. Some, like bears, hibernate to conserve energy. Others, like arctic foxes, grow thicker fur and change their fur color to white for camouflage.
    • I feel humans adapt by drinking more alcohol to keep them warm and to conserve food during the cold; and
    • Cave paintings from the Ice Age give us a glimpse into how humans lived and thrived during a time of extreme cold and glaciation. ( Wow, what would they have done if Telluride was around?)

    We should all take a moment and remember the passing of a great person, and lady of amazing insight who will always be remembered as saying the best line about skiers in the universal college of quotes being:

    "Skiers make the best lovers because they don't sit in front of a television like couch potatoes. They take a risk and they wiggle their behinds. They also meet new people on the ski lift."  Dr. Ruth Westheimer

    Now that is a quote.

    Obviously, like someone drinking a Pabst Blue Ribbon, she knows what she is talking about, and a great impression was left with her.

    Secondly, what about the wiggle stuff!!!? Can we all agree that there are at least a thousand things that skiers wiggle other than their behinds? (Like the prominent judge that refused to take medication that decreased his libido explaining to others, ”Why I do not take my meds?  Oh, I’d better not say.") Some things are better left to the imagination.

    Lastly, I do not know if she was saying ski lifts were hook-up spots, but I guess in these uncertain times, that might be something to shoot for in the future.

    I think that for the upcoming winter and ski season that we should all take a pledge to the ski club by staying  busy, staying  away from the TV/telephone, and wiggling our you know whats off!!!



  • 3 Jul 2024 9:54 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Hey there, Hi there, Ho there,

    It's officially July, which means one thing: the slopes are as inviting as a lava pit and the only thing carving turns is your air conditioner. But fear not, fellow snow ski fanatics, for summer doesn't have to be a total drag.

    Here's your official guide to surviving the off-season:

    • Channel your inner penguin: Hit the beach with your fanciest goggles and a pool float shaped like a snowboard. Bonus points for attempting a belly flop with maximum tuck.
    • Embrace the water (minus the freezing part): Trade your skis for water skis or a wake board. Just remember, these require actual balance, unlike that time you "shredded" the bunny hill.
    • Retail therapy (the healthy kind): Stock up on sunscreen instead of overpriced ski socks. Your wallet and your skin will thank you.
    • Hallucinate snow: Blast wintry scenes on your TV and crank the AC. Maybe even throw some fake snowflakes in the air for good measure. Just don't blame us when your significant other questions your sanity.
    • Support your local brewery: Channel your après-ski spirit and pretend every happy hour is a mountain lodge celebration.

    Remember, the mountains will be waiting (hopefully with fresh powder) when winter rolls around. Until then, stay cool, stay crazy (in a good way!), and for the love of all things holy, please don't wear your ski boots to the office.


    Remember the Hiwasee in August, and maybe the Biltmore in September.

    Also, the Lake Party was the best this year and I know everyone is looking forward to next year.


    See you at the August meeting,


  • 21 May 2024 2:28 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Hey There, Hi There, Ho There,


    The social event of Hamilton County is next month, June 22,  please sign up on the website.

    We are expecting a very big crowd so sign up sooner rather than later. Any details as usual will be on the website.

    If you missed the last meeting, you missed the Adamzs from Soddy Daisy speak about Finland and their time spent in the country. Remember, the club is about eight months away from being in the land of ice and snow in January.

    Also, Jim Mullenix and Scott Cramer have done a yeoman’s job in sending out an email regarding the lift tickets for our trips next year. Highly recommended reading and thank you Jim and others for sending it out.

    Yes it is getting hot but always think cool!!!!!!!


    See you at the next meeting and Lake Party,


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