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  • 19 Jan 2017 4:28 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Twelve people drove to Gatlinburg for our novice and tune up ski trip.  The snow started about 6 p.m. after we were all there.  We had wine and cheese and snacks.  We went to our cabins and chalets a couple of hours later with a inch of snow.  By morning there was 3-6 inches on the mountaintop where we were staying.  Larry's rental units were first class in all ways.

    Larry could not get out of his driveway the next day but all others got to the slopes. We had new snow but snowmaking was also in progress.  Children and adults had lessons or free skied.   We met for a party after skiing at a mountain top chalet with beautiful views. On the drive up, we saw many of the burned buildings along the way, but most of the area is untouched and open for business.

    We returned to Ober Gatlinburg on Sunday for another half day on skis and lessons for the novices.  A beautiful setting with the new snow and an even better trip for three novices who all loved their lessons and skiing.  Thank you, Larry, for everything you furnished and your hospitality.

    This trip was great for new and experienced skiers. Shall we start a new tradition? --from John Neblett, trip leader

  • 13 Jan 2017 2:50 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Remember, folks, the Spring Conference at Myrtle Beach, SC is just around the corner: Friday, April 28 to Sunday, April 30, 2017. Those who are planning to go need to give Bobbi Witt their payment at the next meeting. Please make checks payable to the Chattanooga Ski Club. The total amount due is $158.00 per person. This includes two nights at the Brighton Towers and the parties on Friday and Saturday nights, hosted by Crescent.

  • 11 Jan 2017 11:00 AM | Deleted user

    Bobbi Witt will be at the next meeting selling 16 oz limited edition glass mugs as well as t-shirts - both have the club logo on them. Mugs are $10 each and tees are $15 each. Don't miss this rare opportunity.

  • 11 Jan 2017 10:42 AM | Deleted user

    Hello Everyone,

    If you have been out and about the past several weeks, you know that it is colder and with the briskness we feel, everyone with the Club should know this is our time of year.  Yes, yes, this is our time! We need to enjoy it wholly and completely because after a long year, we need all the refreshment we can get from a cold and hearty “slap in the face.”  Make sure you get outside and thank the gods for any kind of chilly weather that you may have and the pleasure of having contact with it this winter.  Especially at night!


     I want to offer a sincere thanks to all of the members and guests who attended and put together the Christmas Party December 1st.  It really was the Hamilton County social event of the year.  The Car Barn is a neat facility, and it was just a great time. I think I was hugging or being hugged all night long.  To a certain degree, because I saw so many people at the Christmas Party, I kind of felt that I fit in and was wanted (fat chance). Hopefully everybody else felt the same. We had upwards of approximately 140 to 145 people attended and it was, once again, just a real special time.  I think it was the perfect way for all of us to start out the Christmas party season right. 


    Ski trips are starting and Vail is on the way. Do not forget we have two weekenders for Gatlinburg that are great deals that come up in January. Contact John Neblett or John Hildebrand about the details. 


    With it getting cooler and it just being such a wonderful time of the year, I think we need to look into how the Rolling Stones, cold winters, and skiing all are so closely connected. So anyone does not get a brain lock, I will be more than happy to say there is no connection whatsoever between the greatest rock and roll band in the world and our ski club or any ski club and winter. But you must admit, they are always fun to talk about.

    I would like to point out two things the Rolling Stones did as good or maybe better than other entertainment group in the entire college of our existence and knowledge has ever done and that is the following:  being open and changing constantly.

    Regarding openness, if you ever see a photograph of Mick Jagger, along with always jumping and moving, you must notice his hands are placed firmly on his rear-end totally exposing everything he has to the crowd.  He has an exaggerated open posture toward the crowd that is purposely done to get everyone to see everything they possibly can about him while on the stage.  He wants to supplement his singing, his actions, and words to songs through his posture. He wants to convey a certain feeling and a mind set to others they will in all probability never experience.  Jagger is a god in conveying his own life experiences to others.

    Regarding change, The Stones have been a blues band, 60’s psychedelic drug induced coma five piece (the drug stuff lasted for decades), social change icons, country funk and rock and roll idols, semi punk rockers, and, I think lastly, semi- new wavers in the 80’s. They have been living off their spoils since 1985, I think, while moving on through drug comas, drug deaths, drug arrests, infighting, hatred between everyone, knockdown drag outs, extraordinary nasty talk, and several changes of all parts of the band and management they continue to morph into something each year we have never seen previously seen or ever thought could occur with a bunch of old doper drink guys.

    Now, I know you are saying will you please get us to the ski club stuff?   Okay, here goes.

    To go skiing, as we have done through the years, means we have a particular lifestyle that we adhere to that includes, festivities, travel, and to say the least physical self-improvement (we have to be in some sort of shape to play on the mountains whether we want to or not.)

    We have an open-door policy regarding members and all we ask or want to express to new folks is they get along with everyone, whether they like everybody or not, and have a good time with us. We, through our open-door policy, hopefully convey a sense of community to anyone looking in on the outside of our club, and if you were at the Christmas Party at the Car Barn you know exactly where I am coming from. I bet when employees from the Car Barn saw everybody hugging each other, I wonder if they thought we in the club really did like each other that much, or did somebody put something in the Yuengling beer they were serving (I think Yuengling beer should be given to enemy combatants at Guantanamo and it will gum them up to not be dangerous.)  One of the secrets to our group is our ability to be open and enroll everyone interested. Of course, this is a personal opinion.

    With every group, organization, or individual, everybody changes. The ski club is nothing like I remember almost 20 years ago, and for anyone who has been around longer the club probably has more resemblance to a Shriners convention or a medical seminar than the old ski club from the 70’s and 80’s.  I think the fact we have changed and are willing to change is a trait we have in our pocket that will help us continually in the future.

    I feel that the past six months we have seen what our club can be in this upcoming year is nothing short of electric!!! With short trips to bike, hike, drink, paddle board, view art or attend any event interesting every month it is my hope we will continue to be there. It is further my hope and dream that we will be able to ski and have no limitations on how we interact or what we do to have a good time together with ourselves or others for 2017.  Hopefully, it is a time to look and see what we can do and push the limits, and not focus so much on what we have done in the past.

    I encourage everyone to accept the change and make sure that no hurtles are placed in front of any place we plan to explore. I guess in Star Trek, the Borg kept the Enterprise and its crew down from time in reaching it destination in space. But that, as we all know, was a TV show and you must have conflict like the Borg have decent drama.

    Let us all be careful about criticism to change regarding what the Club may do in the future.  Understand, everyone must state what they feel and I wholeheartedly encourage discussion about anything good or bad with the club activities. But please remember, even though someone may be totally correct in their comments and criticisms, they may say it in such a way that the boundaries of the unpardonable sin may be broken: someone may say something that hurts someone else’s feelings. 

    As Alex Haley said, “Find the good, and praise it.” 

    Let us get ready for a great year!!!


    C:\Users\Judy\Desktop\BCBA-misc\Judy-WIP\A signatures\alo sig.bmp

  • 21 Dec 2016 10:53 AM | Deleted user

    Atlanta Botanical Gardens
    October 22-23, 2016
    Idea:  Pat Ownby

    Pat & Ashley Ownby Lose Faith at Chihuly Nights

    I have to admit that I had to Google Chihuly when Pat Ownby asked me to put together a trip to visit the Chihuly Exhibit at Atlanta Botanical Gardens.  It was a glorious fall day Saturday October 22nd, when 17 Chihulians invaded Atlanta.  (We had started with 21, however many of our fellow CSC members seem to be breaking a lot of bones lately.  Sandy Talbott broke her elbow, Susan DuBose broke her wrist. Be sure to send them both healing thoughts.)

    We gathered in the lobby of our hotel around 3:00, then carpooled or Ubered to Campagnoio Restaurant for an early evening meal.

    I had envisioned us all walking as group in the gardens looking at each exhibit - boy was I wrong!! There must have been one million people in the garden - ok, that’s an exaggeration - there were thousands of people all wandering around the beautiful, breathtaking glass sculptures.  Pictures do not do justice to Chihuly’s work.  

    We were never together as a group at the gardens - whoever we were in the car with upon arriving is who we toured the exhibits with. We never even saw any of our group during the tour.  

    Around 9:30 my phone rang it was Pat Ownby asking have you seen Faith?  We can’t find Faith; we don’t know where Faith is.  I was deeply troubled to hear that Pat and Ashley had lost their Faith.  I told her I would pray and hopefully they would find Faith and make a new commitment to do better in the future.

    We all gathered as a group back at the hotel courtyard to discuss, share stories and show each other our pictures.  I was overcome with emotion to see that Pat had found Faith.

    A gay time was had by all - just ask two of our lovely ladies to give you the hilarious details of a mistaken encounter to Felix Bar & Lounge - let’s just use the word:  Phallus.  Details are best obtained in person.

    Great Time, Great Group,
    Go with us next time,
    Barb Wise

    Pat Finding Faith

  • 21 Dec 2016 10:50 AM | Deleted user

    Ghost Tour HUGE Success!!

    CSC Bardstown Bourbon Trail Trip

    Jerry dipping his bottle of Marker’s Mark

    September 23-25, 2016

    Fantastic Group (missing the Bates).  Jerry & Becca Hicks, Buddy & Teri Carter, Butch & Carol Cook, Tom & Angelika Edwards/Roden, Roy & Trinda Brunner, Lyn Marvil, &  Melodie Thompson, and Barb Wise.  Thank you to Gordon Campbell our DD. 

    When Ashley asked me to take the position as “Special Trip Coordinator” the one thing he said to me was “make it fun, make it affordable, and make it special”! He then said, “The first trip I want you to do is the Bourbon Trail in Bardstown, KY.  CSC member Jerry Hicks would really like a club trip to Bardstown.  Here’s to you Jerry & Becca Hicks. Thank you for a Great Idea!!!

    Jerry & Becca Hicks

    It was a beautiful fall afternoon when we all arrived in Bardstown to start our trek on the Bourbon Trail.  Maker’s Mark was our first stop for the afternoon, and it was an excellent tour. The tasting did nothing for me except make my mouth pucker! Sorry Bill McCallie…

     CSC members Butch Cook and Roy Brunner had a grand time dipping their own bottle’ of Marker’s Mark into the hot red wax.

    Our next Stop was Heaven Hill/Heritage Museum.   Leaving Heritage we arrived at my favorite - The Oscar Getz Whiskey Museum, (I love history, and I always try to visit history museums wherever I go,  making it a part of my trip.  I did this when my children were little, turning a vacation trip into a learning trip of local history).  The Oscar Getz Museum was this and more, the museum is housed in a Catholic Boys Home.  The rooms are all full of memorabilia from the 1800’s to today on whiskey and related trivia.  

    We then had a private after hours tour.  It was so special just the CSC on a guided tour of this historic building.  One of the items was the bottle of REDRUM from the movie “The Shining”!  Donated by Barbara Wise (for real) from Griffin, GA.   I love history and soak it up like a sponge anytime I can.

    Dinner Friday night was at the “RickHouse Restaurant” recommended by CSC member Dr. Jeanne Scanland.  The restaurant is located in the basement of the Getz Museum - how convenient was that?  Just walk downstairs to an old wine cellar turned into one of the finest dining experiences in Bardstown.  

    On Saturday we visited four more distilleries.  We went to six all together: Marker’s Mark, Heaven Hill, Buffalo Trace, Woodford Reserve, Four Roses & Willett’s.  

    We are all now experts on bourbon, just ask us and we can tell you all you ever wanted to know about bourbon but were afraid to ask!

    A few of the main points that stuck in my head were:

    *All bourbon is whiskey, but not all whiskey is bourbon.

    *The reason Pappy Van Winkle is so expensive is because this angel comes down and drinks 3/4 of the barrel before it is opened.  Therefore leaving very little to bottle.  And that is the truth!!!  It is called “the angel’s share.”

    Oh, I almost forgot the Ghost Tour, oh me, oh my, I knew I was in trouble when I found out Patti, (she informed us) was a Ghost Hunter! Certified and bonafide!!!  When she told us the walls of the Talbott Inn called her name and told her to work there, we lost most of the group to the bar across the street.  The faithful few that remained with me was because I think they felt sorry for me, Tom and Angelika mainly because I think they thought Patti might make me disappear.   Four of us (me, Tom, Angelika & Melody) braved our way to Jesse James’ bedroom where we were to see the Ghost of Jesse James.  Well Jesse did not appear, however Patti did show us pictures of his “ghost” on her IPad.  Patti lost the rest of us when on her IPad screen she was scrolling through the pictures of ghost sightings in Bardstown she said; “Oh here is one of me and Howie Mandell”.  

    That’s all folks.

    Good Trip, Great Fun, Grand Time!
    Go with us next time.
    Barb Wise

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