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  • 24 Oct 2019 10:39 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    For those of you that are wondering what or who is a Len Foote: “The name Leonard E. Foote is not accidentally linked with the Hike Inn’s unique backcountry setting, commitment to the outdoors, and mission of teaching conservation ethics, outdoor safety, and preservation of wilderness."

    For those of you that have not made this hike with CSC, you are missing out on a two-day trek with great people, an evening of fun and games with NO TV, radio, laptops and, up until this year, cell service.

    This year, we had ten rooms, and we ended up with 18 club members co-mingled with other guests. What is it exactly about CSC members that we had two couples from Florida telling us that they are joining our club as soon as they get home?  We just have fun and enjoy life.

    Is this a hard hike?  Not if you are in shape and do some hiking before you go.  However, if you have just finished tax season 2019 sitting at a desk most of the day, then you will make it to the top, just not with the rest of the hikers.  You will be like me.  Was I slow?  Let’s just say it took me so long that the buzzards were circling waiting for me to die.  I do think others have died on this trail because I saw mounds of dirt piled up beside the trail (big mounds with room for 2 or 3 bodies buried!)

    I will be ready next year!! Go With Us Next Time!!


  • 23 Oct 2019 12:10 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Hello to everyone who enjoys the lifestyles and adventures of the Chattanooga Ski Club and to everyone who is thinking of joining us in the future.

    Yay, you can feel fall in the air! Winter is coming, thank goodness. Most of the higher elevations are getting a dusting of snow. A good friend of mine is going to Banff October 20 and he is packing for snowy weather. Let's hope this trend continues so we can all have an outstanding ski season. Seventeen of us just got back from a southern Caribbean cruise. We had fantastic weather this year with no hurricanes! We also had the Len Foote Hike Inn and Crescent Fall Conference in Gatlinburg last week. Looking forward to hearing about them.

    Our November 5th meeting will include a special guest, so be sure to sign up and join us for a wonderful meal.


  • 23 Oct 2019 11:47 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Our eight day Southern Caribbean Cruise was a wonderful trip filled with fun, excitement, and adventure. And the weather could not have been better.

    Even though the Carnival ship, the Horizon, was not scheduled to leave the Miami cruise port until October 5, many of us wanted to get the fun started early and flew to Miami a day ahead to enjoy the Friday opulence of the Marriott Biscayne Bay.  The rest flew in on Saturday morning and the adventure began.  Our first surprise was the immense size of the ship.  Being only seventeen months old, the Horizon is the newest of the Carnival line on the Eastern coast, and carries 5,101 passengers and 1,450 crew members.  Our second surprise was the absolute efficiency that was planned into our boarding process.  Many seasoned cruisers commented on the quick and efficient boarding, quicker than we have ever seen.  There were also many positive comments made about the staterooms being larger than many expected.

    As is the case with any new ship, the first task after lunch was to tour the ship to see what it has to offer and learn the layout so we wouldn’t get lost.  This turned out to be a greater task than anyone imagined due to the size and many venue and activity offerings of the Horizon.  It took several days to explore the entire ship, and even near the end of the cruise, we were still discovering many things we had not discovered previously.

    In addition to this cruise being fantastic because of the ship itself, this was also a fabulous cruise because of the exotic ports.  We saw and explored Grand Turk, the largest island in the Turks and Caicos chain; beautiful La Romana in the Dominican Republic; Curacao, the colorful island near South America that comprises a third of the islands commonly referred to as the ABC islands; and Aruba, another third of the ABC islands and home of fantastic resorts, beaches and unusual rock formations.

    Couples and groups went on various excursions at each port.  These excursions adventures included activities such as scuba diving, swimming with dolphins and stingrays, snorkeling, island tours, and a romantic horseback ride on the beach.  The excursion with the most members on it was a visit to an authentic replica of a 16th century rock village (Alto De Chevon), followed by a memorable boat ride down the River Chevon (the river that was used to shoot the movie “Apocalypse Now.”)

    Because we booked this cruise a little later than usual, all fixed seating assignments were already taken.  We thought we would have to settle for eating in small groups rather than as a large group like we usually do on a cruise.  This is a part of the cruise that everyone always looks forward to and is one of the highlights.  At the first dinner, however, after hearing of our dilemma, the Asst. Maitre D took our plea to the head Maitre D, who came to our table and offered to assign us two round tables next to each other at a fixed time so all seventeen of our Ski Club members could dine together for the rest of the cruise.  Thank you Carnival for saving this valuable part of our cruise.

    The food was fantastic.  We chose from a different dinner menu each night with so many great choices it was often difficult to choose.  When faced with two great choices, it always helped when our waiter said, “No problem, I will bring you both.”

    With activities available onboard like the elevated bicycle ride, the gigantic tube slides, the ropes course, the exercise room, the swimming pools, the movies shown on the giant screen above the main pool deck, the iMax movie theater, the 3D movie theater, the amazing live productions in the Liquid Lounge Theater, and the music emanating from every venue every night and day.,etc., etc., there was no end to the things available to occupy, thrill, entertain, and amaze the guests.

    Needless to say, everyone had a great time and is looking forward to more adventures with “The Club.”  Thank you Chattanooga Ski Club for making this group trip available, and thank you Carnival Cruise lines for a beautiful, memorable experience.

  • 24 Sep 2019 10:34 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Hello to everyone who enjoys the lifestyles and adventures of the Chattanooga Ski Club, and to anyone who is thinking of joining us in the future.

    As I write this, it's finally below 90 degrees!  Wow, hurry up wintertime!  As we get closer to the start of ski season, each week seems to bring more exciting news.  For starters, a number of North American peaks received snowfall. Of course, the short list of locations receiving snow mostly consists of your usual suspects, in Colorado: Keystone, Winter Park, and Aspen, YES!  In Utah, Alta also received a dusting.   

    We had a great turnout for our last month's meeting, and I would like to thank everyone who helped set up. We always could use more help if you can get there early.   

    This month, we are have a representative of Alpine Ski Shop from Knoxville as our guest.  Looking forward to seeing and hearing what they have to say.  Also looking forward to our cruise in early October, the Bonaire trip, the Hike Inn trip, and the Flat Duck party. 

    See you all at the meeting.



  • 21 Aug 2019 2:51 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Hello to everyone who enjoys the lifestyles and adventures of the Chattanooga Ski Club, and to anyone who is thinking of joining us in the future.

    As fall approaches, ski news always picks up. A new ski area development is proposed for the backside of the same mountain as Deer Valley. It would be called Mayflower Mountain Resort. Many details remain up in the air, but part of the funding would come from the U.S. military, with some subsidized hotel rooms exclusively for military personnel. Possible connections with Deer Valley are also under consideration. So, watch for news on that!

    Meanwhile, our club still has a lot of activities going on for the rest of the summer and fall, so check our website out and read any upcoming emails.

    I would like to thank Barb and Jan and all the others who helped make the SUP party a success. We had great turnout and the weather was perfect -- shade trees and light wind made it nice out there. Nick from Rock/Creek brought lots of products for us to play  on. If you get a chance, stop by the Amnicola Highway location and check out their products. Be sure to say you're with the Chattanooga Ski Club for a discount.

    I hope to announce that someone from Alpine Ski Shop from Knoxville will be attending our September or October membership meeting. It should be informative for us skiers! I will keep you posted once arrangements are made.

    See you at the next meeting,


  • 25 Jul 2019 11:05 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Hello to everyone who enjoys the lifestyles and adventures of the Chattanooga Ski Club, and to anyone who is thinking of joining us in the future. 

    Here's some items from this week in ski news. For starters, amazingly, Mammoth Mountain finally announced a closing date for their 2018/2019 season. July 28! And Vail Resorts received more recognition for their efforts in promoting women in the workplace. Finally, we have some very exciting news for fans of ski racing: HBO will air a documentary on Lindsey Vonn this fall. 

    But the biggest news was the fantastic time we had at the lake party!  We had great turnout, the food was off the charts great, and the weather was perfect right up to end, then the bottom fell out!   So many people worked hard to make this happen, especially Bobbi and Chris, who help us to get this fantastic place and prepare some terrific food.  To all who helped to make the lake party a success, I would like to thank you all.

    Trips are filling up; so if you are interested in one of the available trips, please contact a trip leader.  Our next meeting is August 6th -- be sure watch for the invite from Bob.



  • 18 Jun 2019 11:59 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    On May 13th, twenty-five club members set sail for an amazing trip to Key West and Cuba.  Cruisers arranged for their own transportation to Fort Lauderdale, Florida prior to the cruise.  We received notification before the cruise that our boarding time was delayed from noon to 5:00 PM.  This was a little disappointing.  The cruise line gave everyone a voucher for the lunch we missed on board ship.  We were actually able to start boarding around 3:30 PM, and left the Port of Fort Lauderdale at 9:00 PM.  From then on it was smooth sailing.

    We had a Club cocktail party, a free bottle of wine in every cabin, and we were all seated together at four tables for our evening dining.

    Our Itinerary

    • Depart Fort Lauderdale     Monday         9:00 PM
    • Fun Day At Sea                    Tuesday           
    • Key West, FL                         Wednesday  8:00a AM to 7:00 PM
    • Havana, Cuba                       Thursday     7:00 AM – overnight
    • Havana, Cuba                       Friday           Depart 2:00PM
    • Arrive at Fort Lauderdale   Saturday      Disembark starting at 8:30 AM

    Some of the Highlights of the Trip

    • The hop-off-hop-on trolley in Key West and lunch at Sloppy Joe's
    • Touring Havana in classic American cars
    • Bus tour of Havana
    • An evening at the Tropicana, established in 1939
    • A visit to the Hotel Nationale
    • Fantastic dinners with each other every night
    • Bill Hooten and Jimmie Coley singing to us

    I am so glad we all had the wonderful opportunity to get to know the people of Cuba!  The experience was particularly special since Americans will no longer be able to cruise to Cuba as of June 4, 2019.

  • 21 May 2019 11:46 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Hello to everyone who enjoys the lifestyles and adventures of the Chattanooga Ski Club, and to anyone who is thinking of joining us in the future   As I write this, the weatherman says we are heading into the 90 plus degree weather for the next few days. I sure miss those nice crisp days of winter that just flew by.  Good news is that we have plenty of good trips to get back to those places in a few months.  We just have to endure the Tennessee Valley summer weather, but that includes having the lake party coming up in July.  See our website for details, and be sure to register.  

    Our next meeting is June 4, and to spread the wealth, so to speak, we need some people to show up around 5 p.m. and help set the tables up. Any help would be appreciated. Another improvement is registering and paying online so Bob does not have to work so hard.    

    I found this bit of ski news, "One of the many ways that industry players are attempting to counter climate change is by utilizing cloud seeding. When we first reported on the concept a few years ago, we shared a story regarding two meteorologist-snowboard “bums” who were developing the technique with an eye towards increasing snowfall at ski resorts. This week, we check back in on the concept as Denver Channel 7 News has released a report covering the growth of cloud seeding in Colorado. In the report, a number of cloud seeding proponents are interviewed who see the technique as a great way to encourage more precipitation in the area."

    I say, great, let's hope Snowmass will have plenty of snow this coming season!  See you at the meeting!    


  • 20 May 2019 11:28 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    I really had my doubts and was frankly quite worried when the forecast for the May 3-5, 2019 ride was not only showing an 80% chance of rain, but also calling for thunderstorms! OMG!!!  This will be two VA Creeper Trips in a row with rain in the forecast!

    Despite the forecast, eighteen faithful believers headed for Abingdon, VA Friday May 3rd.  I was getting more and more concerned as we drove through a blinding rainstorm past Knoxville.  Apprehension was really setting into my usually positive attitude. 

    However, rainstorm or not, “neither, rain, snow, sleet or hail” will stop the scheduled and highly anticipated “happy hour” margaritas, the best in town (thank you, Larry Plemons),  enjoyed by all, along with a new tradition, the “Left, Right, Center” dice game.  Also new this year was guitar music and singing by Jimmie Coley & Eddie Graham.   The rain let up just in time for the Friday night trek to the Barter Theatre for the performance of “Madam Buttermilk.”  All I can say is, if you missed it, you missed a fabulous performance.  The rain held off until after the show in time to get back to our rooms, and then… the bottom fell out of the sky with rain, rain and more heavy rain!

    Saturday morning we awoke to a glorious blue sky: sun shining, bird singing, and 18 happy bikers riding the VA Creeper bike trail.   Though two of our riders, Kevin Cleek & Paula Guffey, left very early to ride up the mountain, both arrived just in time for our traditional Green Cove group picture.  WOW!! I am impressed and envious. 

    We all finished as much of the trail that we choose to ride without a drop of rain, until four o’clock “happy hour” time.  Then, “Chicken Little, the sky is falling” -- rain came down in torrents.  However, being the CSC members that we are, margaritas seem to make everything so much better.  Plus, more rounds of “Left, Right, Center” lasted until the rain completely stopped just in time to make it to the Peppermill Restaurant, now added to our favorites list. 

    Great trip, great time and a glorious ride!!!!

    Go with us next time,


  • 23 Apr 2019 10:29 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Hello to everyone who enjoys the lifestyles and adventures of the Chattanooga Ski Club, and to anyone who is thinking of joining us in the future.  As I write this on the day before Easter, most of us are turning the air conditioners off and turning up the heat!  I just heard on local news that Clingman's Dome had two inches of snow today and that Aspen Highlands ski resort in Colorado extended their ski season for another two weeks!  Meanwhile, our club is trying to transition into warmer activities, such as the Silver Comet bike ride, the Virginia Creeper bike ride, and the Cuban cruise. And that is just for April and May!

    Whatever activity you choose,  if you are like me, let's be outside and moving!  We are very fortunate to live in an area that has so much to offer.  

    As we start a new calendar year with all our officers and board members,  I would encourage you to thank them for all they do.  Case in point, the newsletter that Susan does such a great job getting organized and out to us. [Editor's note: I did not pay Mike to say this. -Susan]  There are just too many folks behind the scenes to list, but without those overpaid (volunteers) that give their time and energy, our club would not be what it is today.  And, of course, if anyone would like to join to help, please let any board member know.  

    Be sure to come to our May 7 meeting to learn about all our trips and activities coming up.  Looking for to see you there,
