For those of you that are wondering what or who is a Len Foote: “The name Leonard E. Foote is not accidentally linked with the Hike Inn’s unique backcountry setting, commitment to the outdoors, and mission of teaching conservation ethics, outdoor safety, and preservation of wilderness."
For those of you that have not made this hike with CSC, you are missing out on a two-day trek with great people, an evening of fun and games with NO TV, radio, laptops and, up until this year, cell service.
This year, we had ten rooms, and we ended up with 18 club members co-mingled with other guests. What is it exactly about CSC members that we had two couples from Florida telling us that they are joining our club as soon as they get home? We just have fun and enjoy life.
Is this a hard hike? Not if you are in shape and do some hiking before you go. However, if you have just finished tax season 2019 sitting at a desk most of the day, then you will make it to the top, just not with the rest of the hikers. You will be like me. Was I slow? Let’s just say it took me so long that the buzzards were circling waiting for me to die. I do think others have died on this trail because I saw mounds of dirt piled up beside the trail (big mounds with room for 2 or 3 bodies buried!)
I will be ready next year!! Go With Us Next Time!!