Welcome to our visitors and members who enjoy all the lifestyle activities that our club has to offer. Again, our club will determine, by guidelines set forth by our board members, when they deem it safe for us to have our next meeting, and an email will be sent out at that time.
We have a lot to catch up on when we do finally get back together. The election of new officers and trips for up coming winter being the most urgent. I hope everyone has seen the email and/or checked our website detailing those trips, but it's always nice to have someone stand up there and get excited about them.
As more states have relaxed restrictions, some western ski resorts are going to be opening back up for a short time period, and that is good news! New equipment that I have seen advertised by the online stores seems to have better pricing; it's a good time to check those out if you need anything. Looking forward for some updates we can share with everyone. Be safe to all.
Thank you,