Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year to all our members and guests who have visited this year. As I write this, it's only seven days until Christmas -- wow, this year has flown by! Our club has enjoyed a lot of great adventures and activities in 2018, and we still have one more trip to go.
The Christmas party was a great success with 125 people in attendance. Thanks to all who help get this together. We try to make it the best for everyone, but every year we see that we need to tweak this or that, and we do. I feel we have found the best location in town for this event.
New Orleans is getting ready to be invaded by our members Dec. 26-30. Looking forward to hearing about that trip at our January meeting.
Our race team headed up to Appalachian Ski Resort Dec. 15-16 , and thanks to the winter storm that came through the week before, we had great conditions. I am sure we will get a good report on this one.
Tom DuBose sent out an email asking for volunteers for a booth at the 7th Annual Lookout Wild Film Festival Jan 24-27, if you are interested in helping, please contact Tom at 423-605-3122. Check out our website and this newsletter for a lot more events coming up soon! Let's all hope the Polar Express spreads a lot snow on us in the months to come!
Happy Winter to All,