Welcome to all our new members and hello to all our members! For those of you who have brought guests to recent meetings, keep up the good work!
As I write this, the western resorts are getting snow. Good news for all of us downhillers! Telluride has had 56 inches so far this year, with 7 out of 147 runs open plus 6 of 17 lifts open. Park City has 12 out of 41 lifts open, and 15 of 341 trails. Long term forecast for both resorts is for more snow!
In a few days, many of our group will be in Steamboat for the annual Crescent Ski Camp. There's a big improvement in the snow this year as compared with last year. If you need haven't skied in a long time or just want to improve your skiing, the Crescent Ski Camp is a great deal for a week at Steamboat, including five days of lessons. Think about it for next year.
As far as our local eastern resorts go, Appalachian near Boone is open, Sugar is open, and Cataloochee is open. Looks as if our racing team will be on track for a good one coming up Dec 15 and 16 in Appalachian. If anyone is interested in a weekend going thru the gates, get with Marla Hood. If I can qualify, any average skier can, and if you are a downhill whiz, we need you on our team as well.
The annual Christmas party is this month; I can't wait. It will be a good time.
As far as ski news, the thing that has caught my eye was the new Phantom Wax. One application is all you ever need, interesting concept there.
Hope you have a wonderful holiday season,
Mike Hood