Welcome new members and hello to all of our members. It's always a good sign to see those fall goods in retail and online stores, which means fall is on the way. But our club enjoys all seasons of the year. We all also enjoy the active lifestyle, where we are the participants and not the observers. I see on our web page Barb was so kind to share the good times and pictures of the SUP party we had a few days ago. Thanks to all who worked so hard to make this happen. Looking forward to it again next year. We have the Hiawassee river kayak/raft trip coming up on August 26, so I will be looking to hear about it and seeing some good photos on that one as well. All of our ski trips are full throttle ahead and all is well! We still have openings on all of them, so I encourage you to join one of them before we have the drop dates on them come up.
Again, thanks to all who volunteer to make our club so diversified in all the activities we share.
Mike Hood