Two things that CSC members really like are SUPs and deviled eggs. The 88 deviled eggs were brought by the Duboses, Bill Coolidge, and Mike and Beth Rawlston. The Rawlstons also made the trek to the event by boat, bravely and safely, despite being surrounded by sharks and huge boats causing tremendous waves! Despite these hazards, Beth was able to deliver her eggs in perfect condition. As the eggs came to the food table CSC members were standing ready with fork in hand ready to stab one or two of the delicious little devils. FYI, this same thing happened at the “Pond Party." Deviled eggs were the first to go. If you want to make a hit with CSC members you might want to consider bringing deviled eggs to the next covered dish event.
The SUP/Kayak party was a huge success thanks to CSC member Jan Wyatt volunteering the club house in her beautiful subdivision on the water. The property is lovely, and the club house is on a quiet slough which made for perfect conditions for SUP and kayak lessons for anyone that wanted to learn. Thank you to Zach Bopp, water sport coordinator for REI, for assisting us.
A huge shout out to Jan Wyatt my partner in crime and collusion (I just wanted to use that word in a sentence; it’s in the news so much these days).
A huge shout out to Gloria Gass who came early to help Jan set up the room while I was picking up chicken and balloons.
A huge shout out to John Neblett for providing the ice, watermelon and music.
Finally, a huge shout out to Tom DuBose who keeps us all legal and takes care of the money matters.
The topping on the cake was the celebration of Ashley Ownby’s 60th birthday and birthday #?? for Jim Kapsho
We had 43 CSC members and guests join us for a glorious, outstanding day!