Welcome, new members, and hello to all our members. Seems as if summer-like temperatures are here before the official start of summer. Let's hope the next few months will fly by so the cool fall air will be upon us. At my desk Monday, I checked Big Sky Montana's high for the day -- 46 degrees. I do not know about you, but I sure miss those fantastic mountains we have the privilege to travel to. We have some great trips planned this year: Telluride, CO, Park City, UT and Italy. All the trips are now on our website, so please check them out.
One of the great things about July is our Lake Party coming up on July 21. This is the second year we will be having this down on the farm in Georgia. Please RSVP if you have not already done so.
Every Friday, I look forward to getting Chairlift Chat from info@skiessentials.com. If you have not seen this, you should check it out. There is a lot going on in the ski industry, from a great article from the CEO of Vail, to skiing in New Zealand, and every Friday there is a new group of stories.
As always, I would like to thank everyone who helps make our club the best in the Crescent Ski Council! See you at the Lake Party!

Mike Hood