Seems we all have been busy so far this spring. Eighteen of our members had a great time in the Abingdon, Virginia area a couple of weeks ago. The Creeper Trail was in full bloom, with colors of bright green and all the smells of spring, which made for a memorable ride. The weather threatened to dampen our ride but it held off until we finished it. We had some new members on the trip -- this seems to be one of the strengths of our club -- getting new members. I would like to say a big thank you to the members who volunteer to lead any of our trips. We have several more great trips coming up in the next few months, and I am looking forward to hearing about those in our monthly meetings. Our lake party is coming up in July, so please make plans to attend. See you at the June meeting.
Thank you,

"The best way to predict the future is to invent it " Abraham Lincoln