I have been saying for most of the year that Christmas will be here before you know it. Well, here it is and it is just shining, waiting on us. WOW!!! This year has really flown.
It has been a good year for the club and we have had some great times, good laughs, and lots of really wonderful memories from our trips, meetings and parties. It is nice to know that good times are not just for us to recall from the past, but like a good soufflé, you can plan to make good times happen in the future just by planning them out and getting others to join in.
Yes indeed, we are having the Hamilton County Social Event of the Yule time year, the CHATTANOOGA SKI CLUB CHRISTMAS PARTY at the Car Barn, December 12, 2017 beginning at 5:30 p.m. and lasting till 10:00 pm. There is a small charge for the party and it will be really something to behold just like it was last year. It appears we are going to have a crowd so please contact Mike Hood or register from the website and make plans to attend. This is a great way to begin the Christmas season and hope to see you there.
This time of year is generally left for refection and as we all know everything good in life revolves around skiing. With that in mind, I would like to offer the following during this special time of year to all of us.
When we look back over the previous year, I will assume that we all have had many cold mornings that we have gotten out of bed (even when it was a 100 degrees outside during the summer) and really wished we could stay in bed rather than go out and tackle some large mountain that existed just down the road.
But just like on a ski trip, over the past year, even with our heads hurting from too much booze the night before and our bones aching because we did not exercise enough, we still went out and got on that ski lift of life to do as much damage as we could to the hill or challenge that was just out of the door.
I am sure in the past year, we were able to slide through some days just like our skis cutting into soft four inch powder. Everything was just so easy. And at the end of those good days we felt like we had finally got this skiing/carving/living thing right.
Then, the next day was just like looking down a mile long mogul field with no way to go side out and when we got down to the end of those days we looked in the mirror and said, ”I’m never doing that again,” as we made plans at dinner after a couple of drinks to go out and fight the Philistines again tomorrow even harder.
Life is like a box of chocolates, but I think life is more like a skiing vacation. You never know what you are going to get, you never know what the weather may be, and you never know what is over the next hill, even when you've been over it several times.
We all want to love bizarre, but more so, I want to believe we all want to ski well and have the family healthy.
Merry Christmas to everyone and the most hopeful wishes for a very good holiday full of cold weather and snow.
See you at the Christmas Party,

Ashley Ownby