Lack of snow was not the issue -- too much snow, wind, and rain turned our ski trip into a tourist trip. South Lake Tahoe was as beautiful as we had heard it was. On Sunday, we had great snow and great views of the lake from above. Sadly, after we quit skiing for the day, Mother Nature came in with a vengeance and stayed all week.
We had five new members go with us: Alica Posey, Phyllis Scoggins, Carol Jackson, Emmie Avery, and Jane Frierson. It was good to get to know these people. As far as the skiing was concerned, there was not too much excitement, except Hilda going into a tree. No injuries though!
I would like to thank Larry Plemons for the VIP Super Bowl party, but don’t tell Ken Pilgrim the Falcons lost. We also had an expert slot machine teacher -- Carol Jackson. I guess if you’re going to be stuck somewhere, it’s good to be surrounded by casinos.
I promise you, I will never mention El Nino again regarding a ski trip!
Mike Hood