Hello Everyone,
Well, here we are half way through the ski season and this period flies faster than time.
Other than the ski trips, it feels a little boring back at the “Ponderosa,” Chattanooga Ski Club Central. Maybe that is how it is supposed to be with everything really getting started when all the snow trips are over. We all should be getting excited about big year for the club with future events and weekend travel.
Make sure, if you lead a trip that you write about it for the newsletter. I believe that there is a special place in heaven for folks that tell good stories to others. Write it down, send it to Susan DuBose, and she will pass it on to everyone. Remember, stories are love, and like Lady Godiva said, "I like to give my love to anyone with sweet smelling breath and chocolate drops."
Chanson de club
As everyone knows, we are blessed at the Chattanooga Ski Club with a history, non-profit status, a logo, and monthly meetings. But still, somehow recently, I felt that we were missing something with the club that would really add to the experience.
I could not put my finger on it, but, just felt we were missing something other than the almost fifty years of stories, travel all over the world, and precious memories of club members having too much gas in closed quarters overseas.
It took a little introspection, only three appointments of intense psychotherapy, and sitting in sack cloth and ash for three days to finally reach and answer - WE NEED A SKI CLUB SONG!!!!!!!
Yes, I do mean a Chattanooga Ski Club (CSC) song. A song that we can start monthly meetings with, sing on the bus rides to Atlanta or Nashville, and whenever we are drinking in a bar at a ski resort we can sing it and people will know immediately we are from Tennessee like everyone knows someone is from Australia when they sing “Waltzing Matilda.”
It cannot be a country song. Every club and university in this area has a country song associated with them like “Rocky Top.” Need I say more?
That is why we need a rap song. Yes, a good rap song. And yes, I know, rap music is kind of generational and myself along with others do not understand what is the big deal with its popularity across the board. However, everybody knows Tone Loc’s “Wild Thing” and Aerosmith’s “Walk this Way.” There has to be something out there that even we could pirate, enjoy, and call our own.
Therefore I intend at the next monthly meeting to have a vote from all members present to have the following pirated, copied, and woefully composed rap song be designated as our official ski club song and I think this will really finally put us where we want to be as an organization.
I am sure you remember COOLIO’S “GANSTAS PARADISE,” from a few years back. It had a nice beat and when reading the verses below to the new club rap song, please put the music “GANSTAS PARADISE,” to our own” SKIERS PARADISE,” and see what you think.
Alright here we go:
(Done to the tune of COOLIO’S “GANGSTAS PARADISE”)
As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
I wake from my dream, oh my god I am late
My skis are packed, I know have gotta be gone
Cause the bus at the church will not wait for me long
Goin from Tennessee to Colorado and I deserve it,
So I can ski like a John Claude Killy pervert
It’s three in the morning, I am having trouble driving
If I don’t run in the ditch I will be cookin
Just thinking of snow and all of the mountains,
Me going fast and legal marijuana smokin
I just the type of person all skiers want to be
No cartilage at all and worn tendons in both knees
Been dreaming most our lives wanting just a skier’s paradise
Been dreaming most our lives wanting just a skier’s paradise
Keep dreaming most our live wanting just a skier’s paradise
Keep dreaming most our lives wanting just a skier’s paradise
I look at the situation that I am facing
I am getting too old to go out and do ski racing
I can’t live w/NASCAR , 4 wheeling or fishing
But I gotta still be down with the monthly ski club meetings
Skied in Germany, Austria, Italy and France
I skied so hard in Switzerland I pooped in my pants
I’m southern fool w/ more money than good sense
Chasing my dreams in snow blizzard all in the present tense
I know on the ski slopes death is just so near,
But when I run into moguls fields I still really can taste fear
I am 60 today will I see 61
If I don’t get out of this mogul field I just don’t know
Tell me why can’t we just always f..king ski
And why when we fall, we only hurt our knees
Been dreaming most our lives wanting just a skier’s paradise
Been dreaming most our lives wanting just a skier’s paradise
Keep dreaming most our lives wanting just a skier’s paradise
Keep dreaming most our lives wanting just a skier’s paradise
Powder and Ice, Ice and Powder
I skied them both, to me it does not matter,
You may think you can ski fast and ski so well
I used to think that then I skied right off a big hill
I know I got to turn better get someone to teach me
I’m tired of skiing off cliffs, someday they won’t reach me
I know at best I can do is only blue groomers
But I am happy to say I am a Chattanooga Ski Club member
Tell me why can’t we just always f..king ski
And why when we fall, we only hurt our knees
See you at the next meeting!