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May President's Letter

21 Apr 2023 12:38 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Hey there, Hi there, Ho there,

In the infamous words of several great epidemiologists discussing diseases, “What goes around likely comes around another time.”

Yes, I am proud and more than honored to be the President of our friendly local ski club for the next year and look forward to seeing everyone more regularly at meetings and events. The next year’s trips are coming out, so make sure to review, size a trip up, tell everyone what it means to go on a ski club trip and how much fun everybody has.


Scott Kramer has been the ski club coordinator for trips the past couple of years and decided to step down from the position and just be a regular member. I understand Scott hit the ground running in the position and put in several times over of herculean effort in the job.

Please give Scott a hearty notice of thanks when you next see him because he is what the club is all about: service to others, helping all to have a great time.

Happy trails, Scott, look forward to seeing you at the meetings.


When COVID raised its ugly head and shut everything down including our ability to assemble, Bob Tramel was our President. He dealt with the COVID issues as they related to the club brilliantly. He dealt with Zoom meetings of the ski club board, made sure that we were able to have meeting again safely, and then started everyone going on ski trips again.

Not only did Bob hold the throttle during turbulent waters, but he was going through several personal issues that required a tremendous amount of time. He did not waive his duties to his family or the club.  Bob had a vision he could do it all and he did it all with a flair that was all his own.

Hardcore grit and gravel are the components of Bob’s moral character. As a club, we were so fortunate that he was in a leadership role at one of the most difficult times of our organization’s existence.

Once again, thank Bob personally when you see him for his service. He and others with the club are what make us so special.


Our ski season is over, and we are all the better for it. Until we can feel the cool breeze of winter and the snow under our boards, here is a little ditty to help us wile away the summer months thinking about winter:


Wind & more wind
will it ever end?

Ice on top of ice
a bitter harsh place

Drifts & drifts of snow
the days are longer now

Winter endless winter
& still you’re filled with wonder.

See you next month at the meeting,
