The initial allotment of 32 spaces are Sold Out.
FLIGHT Options
$ 265 Chattanooga to/from Denver (American) - or -
$ 513 Chattanooga to/from Aspen/Snowmass (United)
Please download and fill-out the Trip Reservation form and either mail a physical copy to A.B. Maynard at 4194 Logan Rd, Rocky Face, GA 30740, or create a PDF version of the completed form, and email it to
01 Snowmass 2022 Flyer_v4.pdf
02 CSC Trip Reservation Form - Snowmass 2022 v5.pdf
If you prefer to pay by check, please mail a $400 check for your initial deposit along with your completed Trip Reservation form to A.B. Maynard.
ONLINE registration on this webpage is ONLY for members who want to make a one-time, up front CREDIT CARD payment for the full cost of the Trip Base Cost, Airfare, Lift Tickets and Lessons, if applicable. ONLINE PRICES DIFFER FROM THE FLYER & RESERVATION FORMS ABOVE DUE TO THE NONREFUNDABLE 3.5% FEE ADDED TO THE COST OF THE TRIP.
All members paying by credit card MUST also complete, sign, and send (mail or email) the Trip Reservation Form (above) to the Trip Leader IN ORDER TO BE CONSIDERED REGISTERED FOR THE TRIP.
NOTE: Last day to drop or sign up is Tuesday, August 31, 2021 - see Cancellation Policy in the Reservation Form.
For more information contact the Trip Leader:
AB Maynard Cell phone (484) 883-4039