REGISTRATION - PAYMENT BY CHECK To register and pay by check:
Reservation Form - Carribean Cruise 2019.pdf
Flyer - Ski Club Miami Cruise Flyer 4-14-19 v.2.pdf
REGISTRATION - CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS If you wish to pay for the cruise IN FULL by using a credit card click on the REGISTER button above. Note that there is an additional fee of 3.5% already added to the cost. This credit card payment option is only available if you want to pay for the cruise in full in advance. (Credit card payment may make sense if you are interested in utilizing your credit card's trip insurance.) ALSO NOTE YOU MUST DOWNLOAD, PRINT & COMPLETE THE REGISTRATION FORM (SEE LINK ABOVE) AND MAIL TO THE TRIP LEADER.
FORM, TRIP PAYMENT & MEMBERSHIP REQUIRED You are not signed up for the trip until the Trip Leader has received a completed Reservation Form and either (1) payment by the above scheduled due dates if paying by check or (2) payment in full if paying by credit card.
Only CSC members are allowed to attend this trip. You must remain current with dues from the time you register to the time of the trip.