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  • 1 May 2025
  • 3 May 2025
  • Abingdon, VA- White Top Mountain



                                              VIRGINIA CREEPER BIKE RIDE/HIKE

MAY 1-3, 2025

This is long and full of information 

This ride will be totally different from the past until the bridges that are out from White Top Mountain to Damascus are repaired.  We will start in Abington, you will have two choices A. Ride to the Abingdon Vineyards 9.3 miles one way fairly flat, we can have the bike shop pick us up at the Vineyard or ride the return which will be about 20 miles.   B. Ride to Damascus, 17 miles, we can have the bike shop pick us up at the Red Caboose or ride the return which will be about 34 miles.  This is also fairly flat.   We will go to the Barter Theatre on Thursday night May 1st to see the 7:30 production of "Million Dollar Quartet" This musical tells the tale of a jam session on December ofl 1956 of a fateful meeting between Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins and Johnny Cash.

  I have already booked my room.   You MUST book your own room. 

Creepers Inn Lodging- 276-525-2031, tell Jill Dalton or Dave Dalton you are with CSC.

Black Dog Inn-276-628-4153, tell Rick you are with CSC.

Google Black Dog Inn Abingdon,VA

It is very important that you book ASAP... there are other places in Abingdon to stay however (in my Humble Opinion), you can't beat the no deposit deal


May -1-3, 2025

Update on the VA Creeper trip.... Bike shop NOT open YET, please see infomation below on booking your ride up the mountain/shuttle ride and renting your bikes and helmets if you need one.

Margarita Party at 4:00 Thursday May 1ST... at my place  119 Park St. SE,  if you wish bring something to share for food or you may have a Margarita  or two and pickup your theatre ticket, and go eat somewhere on your own.

We will walk (two blocks) from my place to the Barter Theatre, *** play starts promptly at 7:30p.m. we need to be in our seats by 7:15. 

Make sure you are at the bike shop by 9:00 a.m. on Friday May 2ND... This year we will all start out together at the Trailhead in Abingdon.  Then ride your own pace to either the Abingdon Vineyards or to the Red Caboose in Damascus.

You will need to let me know if you want to attend the Barter Theatre,  if we have 10 attending I can get group rates.

 please note that I put all  tickets on my personal credtit card so we can have 2nd. row seats.  When I know how many are attending the theatre I will be able to give you the price of the ticket so you can reimburse me. 

Call me if you have questions,



*** The date selected for the Virginia Creeper Bike Ride/Hike was chosen due to room availability.  The places that I have used in the past were all full in April.  These dates are the first available... If you are going on fantastic bike ride (this year I have added hiking).  You MUST BOOK YOUR ROOM NOW.   These two places do NOT REQUIRE A DEPOSIT.  However they do expect you to let them know ASAP BEFORE the trip that you are cancelling. 

I booked my room today. 

Creepers Inn Lodging- 276-525-2031, tell Jill Dalton or Dave Dalton you are with CSC.

Black Dog Inn-276-628-4153, tell Rick you are with CSC.

Google Black Dog Inn Abingdon,VA

It is very important that you book ASAP... there are other places in Abingdon to stay however (in my Humble Opinion), you can't beat the no deposit deal

If you have booked your room you still must sign up on CSC Event Webpage to register for the ride and sign the waiver.  This is very important.

I also picked these dates on the play that (if you choose to attend) we will see Thrusday night at the Barter Theatre  Barter Theatre, in Abingdon, Virginia, opened on June 10, 1933. It is the longest-running professional Equity theatre in the United States

The play we will be seeing is "Million Dollar Quartet" the play tells the story of four Southern rock legends who unexpectedly came together in 1956 for a very spontaneous recording session at Sun Studios.  The four rock legends are:  Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins and Johnny Cash.  

Other information below... the main purpose of this email is "Book your Room".  The entire town fills up during April and May. 

 When the Bike Shop OPENS ( I WILL LET YOU KNOW). please call and reserve your bike (if  you need one), however you MUST CALL and reserve your own bike & helmet.

 IF you are renting a bike, you must call VA Creeper Bike Shop 276-676-2552 to reserve your bike and if needed a helmet.   

Make your way to Abingdon on Thursday May 1, 2025... I will make group reservations at the Barter Theater for the 7:30 performace on Thursday night.  I have 20 seats on the second (2nd.) row for the play "Million Dollar Quartet".  I will have the cost of the Group Rate as soon as I know how many of you want to attend. Please let me know ASAP if you plan on attending the play.

I will arrange for a "Group Dinner" on Friday night after the ride. At this time I am thinking about "Delta Blues BBQ"  will let you know if I can make this happen.

*****Hello to those of you that are registered for this trip! It is very important that you call and reserve your room, this is most important.  See names and phone numbers above for lodging that will be close to the bike shop. ***Please let me know when you have booked your room. ******

Our "Group" dinner Friday night May 2nd, 2025 @ 5:30 -  6:00 p.m. at TBA".

We need to be at the Barter at least by 7:15 p.m. on Thursday night May 1, 2025 to be seated (our seats are on 2nd. and 3rd. rows.  So plan your dinner accordingly.


**** IMPORTANT**** When you arrive Thursday, you must go to the bike shop to pay for your shuttle ride/rentals(if needed).  Do this Thursday! Do not wait until Friday morning to do this!!! This will be the shuttle back to Abingdon if you ride your bike back yourself.  

When you register for this event you must sign the Trip Release Waiver at the bottom of the Registration form.

YOU MUST BOOK YOUR OWN ROOM!!!  For other room choices please contact me for information.  For now these two lodges have availability for the May 1-3, 2025:  **** when you have booked your room please let me know*** I will need to know where you are to get you your theater tickets and to plan meeting at "Command Central" for Margarita's!!!! 

See you Thursday May 1, 2025 in Abingdon, VA



P.S. Bring dollars & quarters for a game we play

The Virginia Creeper Trail is possibly the easiest, prettiest mountain bike ride you will ever encounter. The VA Creeper Trail, which is actually the "retired" railway corridor of the Virginia-Carolina Railroad, has become one of the most popular bicycling trail destinations in the eastern United States.

The Va Creeper Trail stretches 34 miles from Abingdon, Virginia down thru the lovely town of Damascus, Va (known as the Heart of the Va Creeper) along the Whitetop Laurel River and up to its highest point Whitetop Station near the NC State Line at Whitetop, Virginia. The Va Creeper Trail is open year round to hiking, mountain biking and horseback riding.

This former rail bed passes through the Mount Rogers National Recreation area and the highland country of Southwestern Virginia. The Virginia Creeper Trail is rich in beauty and regional history. This is an easy biking adventure that you and your friends and family will talk about for a long time.  

Join us on this May 1-3, 2025   VA CREEPER TRAIL RIDE!!!

Contact Barb Wise for information on lodging and booking your shuttle/bike rental (if necessary).

Barb Wise



